Thailand is a country where rooted traditions coexist with modern customs without any issues: they are proud of their culture and they strive to keep it and pass it on to future generations, while they also rapidly and gladly accept and incorporate the latest trends and habits to their everyday life. A short walk in any city of this country will let you find a fancy shopping center protected by a spirit house at the entrance, for instance. Mores and modernity hand by hand, because they believe that in order to advance, there is no need to leave the past behind, as we can carry it along with us, just adapting it to the times. And this is precisely what happens with the subject I wanna present today.
Being a Buddhist country, there are plenty of monks in Thailand, both mature and novice, and it's easy to spot them, specially in the mornings, when they leave their temples to collect alms through the streets. But the monks, as the rest of the Thai society, have also adapted themselves to the challenges of the postmodern, globalized world we live in, hence they can be seen performing tasks that many had deemed impossible just a few decades ago. If there is a lesson to learn from here is, simply, to find a balance between old and new in order to survive, keeping the essences intact but adapting the surface to the changing times.
Afternoon break, GH3 + Lumix G X Vario 12-35mm |
Withdraw or deposit?, GM1 + Lumix G Vario 12-32mm |
Trying his mundane luck, GH3 + Lumix G X Vario 12-35mm |
Photo shoot, GH3 + Lumix G X Vario 12-35mm |
Holy selfie!, GH3 + Lumix G X Vario 12-35mm |